The First World War in 261 weeks

Meet all the characters of the Great War

Archive for the month “September, 2013”

Every week of the war a new character


The First World War in 261 weeks is originally a Dutch podcast by Tom Tacken (, translated by Peter Veltman.

Every week of the war a new character, introduced by the main events of that particular week. The series was supposed to run from 28 June 2014 (shooting at Sarajevo) till 28 June 2019 (Treaty of Versailles). 

Unfortunately episode 56 is the last one. Who knows, one day we will be able to relaunch this project ‘with a little help from our friends’. Interested in episodes 1-56 (doc + mp3)? Send an email to and in return for a small contribution we’ll give you access to 14 hours of listening to the Great War. Just decide for yourself how much you can spare for the renaissance of The First World War in 261 Weeks. Thanks!

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