The First World War in 261 weeks

Meet all the characters of the Great War




Keep ‘The First World War in 261 weeks’ running!

Your remarks and reviews are more than welcome (Tom Tacken) 

10 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Tom, I am featurung your blog as a feed here: I hope this is OK with you. Great work – great project.

  2. Gretchen on said:

    Your podcast is absolutely TERRIFIC!!! I look forward to it every week! I especially like how you are so inclusive …. It’s not just about the white men, but women and the Canadian Indian . Wonderful and by far the best resource I have found on The Great War. Thank you, very much for sharing. Gretchen

  3. Tom Wills on said:

    Hi Tom

    Greetings from Singapore and thanks for your outstanding podcast. You’ve managed to make a subject fascinating for me which, in the past, I used to find quite dry. It has become one of my ‘must-listens’, and I look forward to each new episode.


  4. I really look forward to each new episode. This is a wonderful approach to history.

  5. Vesian F Easthope on said:

    Dear Tom,

    I was sorry to hear that you have had to discontinue your podcast, what you had produced was excellent and much appreciated. Of particular value to me as someone interested in this period was the viewpoint that was not British centered, the resulting insights gained are most valuable.

    I hope that you will be able to restart this podcast at some time in the future.

    With my thanks for what you have already produced.


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